Three animal cubs- wolf, bear and fox. Cover illustration and design for "Latgales meža pasaka" by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Bērnu bilžu grāmatas vāka ilustrācija un dizains. Trīs draugi- vilcēns, lācēns un lapsēns. Watercolor and pencil.

Cover illustration and design

Fox running away from a barn with a dead chicken in it's mouth. Spread illustration and design for "Latgales meža pasaka" by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Bērnu bilžu grāmatas ilustrācija un dizains. Lapsa skrien prom no kūts ar vistu zobos. Watercolor and pencil.

Fox with her spoils. Spread with spot illustrations and design

Hedgehog sitting amongst mushrooms, berries and pine cones. Spot illustration for "Latgales meža pasaka" by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Bērnu bilžu grāmatas ilustrācija. Ezītis starp sēnēm, ogām un čiekuriem. Watercolor and pencil.

Cute hedgehog amongst his food stash. Spot illustration

Young moose threading along a forest. Spot illustration for "Latgales meža pasaka" by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Bērnu bilžu grāmatas ilustrācija. Alnēns starp eglēm. Watercolor and pencil.

Young moose. Spot illustration

Rabbit among flowers. Spot illustration for "Latgales meža pasaka" by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Bērnu bilžu grāmatas ilustrācija. Trusēns starp āboliņiem. Watercolor and pencil.

Young rabbit. Spot illustration

Three grown animals- wolf, bear and a fox walking in the forest. Spot illustration for "Latgales meža pasaka" by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Bērnu bilžu grāmatas ilustrācija. Trīs draugi- vilks, lācis un lapsa pastaigājas mežā. Watercolor and pencil.

Wolf, bear and fox. Now the three friends are all grown up. Half page illustration.

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