Mermaid with blue hair gently touching a whale under water. Jellyfish pod swimming next to them. Spread illustration for "Deep Depth"  by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Mixed media. Ilustrācija ar nāriņu

Spread illustration. Swimming amongst giants and small fish.

Polar bear mother with her two cubs resting on ice. Spread illustration for "Deep Depth"  by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Grāmatu ilustrācija ar baltajiem lāčiem. Mixed media.

Spread illustration. Mother bear and her two cubs.

Mermaid peaking out of the water. Icy shores in the background Spread illustration for "Deep Depth"  by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Grāmatu ilustrācija ar nāriņu. Mixed media.

Spread illustration. Darkness lurking underneath

Mermaid resting on ice with seals. Sea and birds in the background. Spread illustration for "Deep Depth"  by Latvian author and illustrator Renate Logina (RenLoArt).  Grāmatu ilustrācija ar nāriņu. Mixed media.

Spread illustration. Enjoying herself in the company of seals.

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